There are just 12 days left to go before my first ever Christmas market and I am trying to get organised. Thanks to a special friend, I have borrowed lots of lovely wicker baskets that I can arrange my bread in. The biggest challenge ahead is keeping enough natural levain (sourdough yeast) to make all the loaves I need. I have worked out a strict diet for it’s flour-feeding regime and even roped in my husband to help feed it at the times I won’t be here this week (more on that later). I am so proud of my new sourdough off-spring; it is making some amazing loaves (even if I do say so myself). I took a photo of my white loaf at the weekend – just look at that lovely crumb structure!

Upon seeing my beautiful white bread, I have had a handful of comments from people saying, “but it’s brown!” I delight in telling them that it’s because there is are no bleaching agents in the flour that I use.
Ingredients: Organic flour, filtered water and Sea-Salt.
Method of manufacture: All hand, no machine.
Time in production: About 17/18 hours.
Price: £2.00
Cost per Hour:. £0.11p
This is Warburtons Farmhouse Soft White Bread
Ingredients: Wheat Flour, Water, Yeast, Vegetable Oil, Salt, Flavouring,
Soya Flour, Preservatives Calcium Propionate, Emulsifiers E471, E481, Flour Treatment Agents Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C), E920.
Method of manufacture: Machine
Time in production: About 1 hour (truly!)
Price: £1.15. (Occado).
Cost per Hour: £1.15
Which bread is better value…?!
Tuesday, 15th November – Ring/text me before 5pm for information
There will be no baking on Thursday, 17th November.
Saturday, 19th November – Collection from 54 Tameton Close Luton 9.45 until 10.30am
Saturday, 26th November, Christmas Craft Fayre, Stopsley Baptist Church, st Thomas’s Road, Stopsley, Luton, 10am until 2pm,