I was quite surprised that we had about 8 sets of halloweeners last night; I think last year, we only had a couple, so I was a bit anxious as my Haribo supplies were rapidly depleting. Varying degrees of costume brilliance I might add; I think the booby prize, went to a couple of lads who were wearing hooded tops with no other recognisable ghoulish features. One of the hoodies was green, so I suppose that might count.
I have had an exciting milestone kind of week in the bakery; every loaf I have made since Saturday has been created with my own natural levain; (that’s yeast, or sourdough to the unbaked). No one has complained, in fact I have had nicer compliments, so I lno longer have to skulk around the supermarket bakeries, scamming for their yeast. I am now, what you’d call, 100% ‘au naturale’. So, on to Christmas then, I wonder what it will bring us all? If you find yourself scrabbling for something to do on the 26th November, the Stopsley Baptist Church are holding a Christmas Crafts market from 10am until 2pm. I shall be there on my very own stall, hopefully with lots of bread for sale and also some childrens’ baking aprons that I make from time to time (I have many talents).
Next Bake days are:-
Thursday, 3rd November – Collection from Hullaballoo from 10 until 11.30am
Saturday, 5th November – Collection from 54 Tameton Close Luton 9.45 until 10.30am
Tuesday, 8th November – Collection from 54 Tameton Close Luton from 11.30am
Don’t forget, if you live in Tameton Close, Rylands Heath or Rowington Close, I will deliver to you approximately half an hour before the above times (Stay in your pjs, most people do!!)