I’m not saying my tasting event last Saturday was a complete disaster, but it was a complete disappointment. around 4 to 500 invitations were posted through doors in the run up and I had less than a dozen people show and most of them were already faithful customers. I partly blame the olympics; even though I had to be up at 5am the following day, I still managed to stay up for most of the ceremony – I finally became angsty at 12.20 during Seb Coe’s long speech and turned in before the end – was THAT ever a decision to regret. (Thanks to YouTube, I have now seen the final glorious conclusion). So I would imagine that like me, many people were too tired to be bothered to leap out of bed on a Saturday morning to pay tribute to a mad local baker whom they’ve probably never met. I did feel pretty low afterwards though and started to question whether my efforts are all worthwhile. As the week has gone on, I realise that it’s not just about the fame and fortune, it’s about me enjoying what I am doing, and I am, so I shall carry on and people can think what they dam well like. Hurrumph.
Have I mentioned that next Saturday I am going to be on BBC THREE COUNTIES Radio?? Well I am. 12-2pm on Saturday the 11th. It’s Live. I will be like Jelly.
And the following week, I will be at Hexton Farmer’s Market on Friday 17th August, 1pm until I sell out.
Today is my lovely husband’s birthday. After today’s loaves are baked, I shall be chilling with my family and enjoying a lovely weekend.