The trouble with me, is that I get bored. Easily. Which is probably why I ended up started my little micro bakery in the first place. The minute I get used to doing something, i.e. it becomes less of a challenge, I have a tendency to chuck in little obstacles that I have to overcome and to raise my stress levels so it all starts being more exciting again. It usually begins with putting things off until the last minute, or prioritising the fun jobs over the ones which are necessary. I’ll give you an example.
I have Hexton Farmers’ market this coming Friday; it’s my absolutely favourite, the

organisers and other stallholders are incredibly friendly and the customers are charming; they often want to stop and chat for a bit, which I am more than happy to oblige. Anyway, I digress. (as I often do…) so on with the example. I have planned far too many loaves that will sell on the market and it’s going to be more hard work for me, but feel I need to bake them all so that my repertoire is fully represented. I usually mix a lot of my dough on Wednesday evening; it then get’s shaped at some point on Thursday and then baked either on the Thursday evening or Friday morning depending upon what it is (sourdough has excellent keeping qualities and in my opinion is just as delicious if not more, the day after it’s baked). So I have all this to do including all the pre-weighing, preparing ingredients, such as roasting garlic, chopping tomatoes and picking rosemary leaves. I also have to eat and prepare food for the men in my life for when they return home. I have a present to wrap for a party that my son is attending tonight, and another tomorrow night for that matter. And I am taking on some more work from my ‘proper’ job, which thankfully, I can do at home.
So aside from the procrastination of all these tasks, with the obvious fact that I am also currently writing this blog, I have also well and truly rejuvenated the sewing bug in me and started to make myself a lovely summer dress to take away with me on holiday. I am at the ‘sewing the darts’ stage and my machine keeps calling me to it to get it finished. I do believe, I have the recent BBC programme “The Great British Sewing Bee” to blame for all this. It’s a good job Mr Hollywood isn’t having any influence on me, that’s all I can say.
12:45pm you say? That’ll be lunchtime then, I’ll start some weighing after that….
Before I pop off, please come and see me at Hexton Church this coming Friday, from 1 until 4pm. I will have loads to sell, including a range of sourdoughs, baguettes, focaccias, my new garlic and herb flutes AND Raisin & Stilton loaves. Please prove me wrong and make it a sell out!