Not Last week but the week before, I attended and baked for the Stopsley Baptist Church Christmas Craft Market. I made 12 40/60 loaves, 6 White loaves. 6 Malted loaves, 6 Christmas Boules, 6 Sun-dried tomato & oregano Focaccia, 6 Rosemary & seasalt focaccia and 3 Mediterranean soda breads. All made and baked single-handedly and in my one oven. It nearly killed me.
Thankfully, the day before and on the day, my lovely mum helped with childcare and manning the stall whilst I tried to get through the day bleary eyed on ‘baker’ sleep sleep and a bad back. I loved every minute of it and sold all 45 pieces of bread well-before the event ended. Whilst very proud of my achievement, I am glad this even is only an annual one.

Since then, I have been a little happier with my bakes. having now sussed out how to get the most out of my dough starter, without having to create gallons of the stuff. I weekly plan is getting tighter and tighter all the time as I continue to improve.
Last week saw the birth of my first sourdough focaccia bread, which was the best bread I’ve ever made even If I do say myself; I baked it for a friend’s craft party and shared with friends whilst we mused over our bread eating habits. I was delighted to hear how the children are enjoying my bread, (rather than the nasty plastic stuff) Having said that, I think that I am my bread’s biggest fan and I apologise to all my friends for talking about nothing else for the last 6 months. I clearly have an obsession which won’t go away.
Saturday, 10th December – Collection from 54 Tameton Close Luton 9.45 until 10.30am -Ring/text/email me before 3pm on Wednesday
Tuesday, 13th December – Collection from 54 Tameton Close Luton from 9.45 until 12pm – Ring/text/email me by 6pm Saturday
Saturday, 17th December – Collection from 54 Tameton Close Luton 9.45 until 10.30am -Ring/text/email me before 3pm on Wednesday
Tuesday, 20th December – Collection from 54 Tameton Close Luton from 9.45 until 12pm – Ring/text/email me by 6pm SaturdaySaturday, 24th December – Collection from 54 Tameton Close Luton 9.45 until 10.30am -Ring/text/email me before 3pm on Wednesday
Saturday, 31st December – Collection from 54 Tameton Close Luton 9.45 until 10.30am -Ring/text/email me before 3pm on Wednesday