Ok, so it’s taken me almost 11 months to post new wit and wisdom to this blog; 11 months!! Where did that go!! I’ll tell you where, apart from the mountains of loaves that I baked in that time (approximately 7000) it was mostly care for the elderly, (although she won’t thank me for calling her elderly). I’ve recently updated all my events for this year on the “Where can I buy..” page but I’m afraid you’ll have to wait for the wit and wisdom owing to lack of sleep and the post traumas of a really good night out with friends. Good bread will always be provided from the bakery, and I hope resume a better blogging service in the very near future, in the meantime, this week, you will find me at HITCHIN FARMERS and CRAFT MARKET on Saturday; you can’t fail to miss me, go round the back of the town centre, find Simmons, snigger as you pass, at their attempt to create their own bread stall (sourfaux in fact, and more expensive) and come on down to my REAL BREAD stall in the Cloisters.