I think I have a party to go to every week now until the middle of June; or rather my son has. I am also in the process of planning my son’s birthday party, with a jubilee theme. I am ashamed to admit tho, I have asked someone else to make the cake for me – or at least quote for me. Is that really bad? Or ok, since I am a bread not cake maker? After a holiday, July will soon creep up and then again, we have no free weekends! That’s over half the year gone and my little business will be a year old. I need to find a way to celebrate but not entirely sure where I am going to squeeze it in. I was glad to have some new enquiries these last two weeks and hopefully I have some happy customers. I always worry that my home bakery is not the same as ‘a shop’ and sometimes people just prefer to deal with the facelessness of a retailer, rather than the rantings of a batty woman in her own home. Having said that, I have a small following who would love to learn how to make their own bread, which you cannot get from a shop and so I really must pull my finger out and sort out a plan and a date for the diary. Gawd, a date is going to be tricky!! I have now sorted a clearer way to order your bread; there is a tab at the top of this post marked, ‘how to order’. That should help you out. Hope to see you soon! X